Data Fields
dirauth_options_t Struct Reference

Data Fields

MEMUNIT AuthDirFastGuarantee
MEMUNIT AuthDirGuardBWGuarantee
BOOL AuthDirHasIPv6Connectivity
BOOL AuthDirListBadExits
BOOL AuthDirListMiddleOnly
POSINT AuthDirMaxServersPerAddr
BOOL AuthDirPinKeys
BOOL AuthDirSharedRandomness
BOOL AuthDirTestEd25519LinkKeys
BOOL AuthDirTestReachability
LINELIST ConsensusParams
INT MinMeasuredBWsForAuthToIgnoreAdvertised
INTERVAL MinUptimeHidServDirectoryV2
LINELIST RecommendedVersions
LINELIST RecommendedClientVersions
LINELIST RecommendedServerVersions
STRING MinimalAcceptedServerVersion
ROUTERSET AuthDirVoteGuard
INTERVAL AuthDirVoteStableGuaranteeMinUptime
INTERVAL AuthDirVoteStableGuaranteeMTBF
INTERVAL AuthDirVoteGuardGuaranteeTimeKnown
DOUBLE AuthDirVoteGuardGuaranteeWFU
DOUBLE AuthDirVoteGuardBwThresholdFraction
INTERVAL TestingAuthDirTimeToLearnReachability
ROUTERSET TestingDirAuthVoteExit
BOOL TestingDirAuthVoteExitIsStrict
ROUTERSET TestingDirAuthVoteGuard
BOOL TestingDirAuthVoteGuardIsStrict
ROUTERSET TestingDirAuthVoteHSDir
BOOL TestingDirAuthVoteHSDirIsStrict
MEMUNIT TestingMinExitFlagThreshold
MEMUNIT TestingMinFastFlagThreshold
BOOL VersioningAuthoritativeDirectory
BOOL AuthDirRejectRequestsUnderLoad

Detailed Description

Holds configuration about our directory authority options.

Definition at line 13 of file

Field Documentation

◆ AuthDirFastGuarantee

MEMUNIT AuthDirFastGuarantee

If non-zero, always vote the Fast flag for any relay advertising this amount of capacity or more.

Definition at line 17 of file

Referenced by dirauth_options_pre_normalize().

◆ AuthDirGuardBWGuarantee

MEMUNIT AuthDirGuardBWGuarantee

If non-zero, this advertised capacity or more is always sufficient to satisfy the bandwidth requirement for the Guard flag.

Definition at line 21 of file

Referenced by dirauth_options_pre_normalize().

◆ AuthDirHasIPv6Connectivity

BOOL AuthDirHasIPv6Connectivity

Boolean: are we on IPv6?

Definition at line 24 of file

◆ AuthDirListBadExits

BOOL AuthDirListBadExits

True iff we should list bad exits, and vote for all other exits as good.

Definition at line 28 of file

◆ AuthDirListMiddleOnly

BOOL AuthDirListMiddleOnly

True iff we should list middle-only relays, and vote for all other relays as possibly suitable for other positions.

Definition at line 32 of file

◆ AuthDirMaxServersPerAddr

POSINT AuthDirMaxServersPerAddr

Do not permit more than this number of servers per IP address.

Definition at line 35 of file

◆ AuthDirPinKeys

BOOL AuthDirPinKeys

Boolean: Do we enforce key-pinning?

Definition at line 38 of file

◆ AuthDirRejectRequestsUnderLoad

BOOL AuthDirRejectRequestsUnderLoad

Boolean: Under bandwidth pressure, if set to 1, the authority will always answer directory requests from relays but will start sending 503 error code for the other connections. If set to 0, all connections are considered the same and the authority will try to answer them all regardless of bandwidth pressure or not.

Definition at line 143 of file

◆ AuthDirSharedRandomness

BOOL AuthDirSharedRandomness

Bool (default: 1): Switch for the shared random protocol. Only relevant to a directory authority. If off, the authority won't participate in the protocol. If on (default), a flag is added to the vote indicating participation.

Definition at line 44 of file

◆ AuthDirTestEd25519LinkKeys

BOOL AuthDirTestEd25519LinkKeys

Bool (default: 1): When testing routerinfos as a directory authority, do we enforce Ed25519 identity match?

Definition at line 49 of file

◆ AuthDirTestReachability

BOOL AuthDirTestReachability

Bool (default 1): As an authority, should we launch tests for reachability, and use those results to vote on "Running"? If 0, we assume that every relay is Running.

Definition at line 56 of file

◆ AuthDirVoteGuard

ROUTERSET AuthDirVoteGuard

Relays which should be voted Guard regardless of uptime and bandwidth.

Definition at line 83 of file

◆ AuthDirVoteGuardBwThresholdFraction

DOUBLE AuthDirVoteGuardBwThresholdFraction

The Guard flag bandwidth performance threshold fraction that is the fraction representing who gets the Guard flag out of all measured bandwidth.

Definition at line 106 of file

◆ AuthDirVoteGuardGuaranteeTimeKnown

INTERVAL AuthDirVoteGuardGuaranteeTimeKnown

A relay with at least this much weighted time known can be considered familiar enough to be a guard. (Corresponds to about 20 days for current decay rates.)

Definition at line 98 of file

◆ AuthDirVoteGuardGuaranteeWFU

DOUBLE AuthDirVoteGuardGuaranteeWFU

A relay with sufficient WFU is around enough to be a guard.

Definition at line 101 of file

◆ AuthDirVoteStableGuaranteeMinUptime

INTERVAL AuthDirVoteStableGuaranteeMinUptime

If a relay's uptime is at least this value, then it is always considered stable, regardless of the rest of the network. This way we resist attacks where an attacker doubles the size of the network using allegedly high-uptime nodes, displacing all the current guards.

Definition at line 89 of file

◆ AuthDirVoteStableGuaranteeMTBF

INTERVAL AuthDirVoteStableGuaranteeMTBF

If a relay's MTBF is at least this value, then it is always stable. See above. (Corresponds to about 7 days for current decay rates.)

Definition at line 93 of file

◆ ConsensusParams

LINELIST ConsensusParams

Authority only: key=value pairs that we add to our networkstatus consensus vote on the 'params' line.

Definition at line 60 of file

◆ MinimalAcceptedServerVersion

STRING MinimalAcceptedServerVersion

Which minimal version of tor do we accept relay descriptors from?

Definition at line 80 of file

◆ MinMeasuredBWsForAuthToIgnoreAdvertised

INT MinMeasuredBWsForAuthToIgnoreAdvertised

Authority only: minimum number of measured bandwidths we must see before we only believe measured bandwidths to assign flags.

Definition at line 64 of file

◆ MinUptimeHidServDirectoryV2

INTERVAL MinUptimeHidServDirectoryV2

As directory authority, accept hidden service directories after what time?

Definition at line 68 of file

◆ RecommendedClientVersions

LINELIST RecommendedClientVersions

Which versions of tor should we tell users to run on clients?

Definition at line 74 of file

Referenced by dirauth_options_pre_normalize(), and dirauth_options_validate().

◆ RecommendedServerVersions

LINELIST RecommendedServerVersions

Which versions of tor should we tell users to run on relays?

Definition at line 77 of file

Referenced by dirauth_options_pre_normalize(), and dirauth_options_validate().

◆ RecommendedVersions

LINELIST RecommendedVersions

Which versions of tor should we tell users to run?

Definition at line 71 of file

Referenced by dirauth_options_pre_normalize().

◆ TestingAuthDirTimeToLearnReachability

INTERVAL TestingAuthDirTimeToLearnReachability

If an authority has been around for less than this amount of time, it does not believe its reachability information is accurate. Only altered on testing networks.

Definition at line 111 of file

◆ TestingDirAuthVoteExit

ROUTERSET TestingDirAuthVoteExit

Relays in a testing network which should be voted Exit regardless of exit policy.

Definition at line 115 of file

◆ TestingDirAuthVoteExitIsStrict

BOOL TestingDirAuthVoteExitIsStrict

Definition at line 116 of file

◆ TestingDirAuthVoteGuard

ROUTERSET TestingDirAuthVoteGuard

Relays in a testing network which should be voted Guard regardless of uptime and bandwidth.

Definition at line 120 of file

◆ TestingDirAuthVoteGuardIsStrict

BOOL TestingDirAuthVoteGuardIsStrict

Definition at line 121 of file

◆ TestingDirAuthVoteHSDir

ROUTERSET TestingDirAuthVoteHSDir

Relays in a testing network which should be voted HSDir regardless of uptime and DirPort.

Definition at line 125 of file

◆ TestingDirAuthVoteHSDirIsStrict

BOOL TestingDirAuthVoteHSDirIsStrict

Definition at line 126 of file

◆ TestingMinExitFlagThreshold

MEMUNIT TestingMinExitFlagThreshold

Minimum value for the Exit flag threshold on testing networks.

Definition at line 129 of file

◆ TestingMinFastFlagThreshold

MEMUNIT TestingMinFastFlagThreshold

Minimum value for the Fast flag threshold on testing networks.

Definition at line 132 of file

◆ VersioningAuthoritativeDirectory

BOOL VersioningAuthoritativeDirectory

Boolean: is this an authoritative directory that's willing to recommend versions?

Definition at line 136 of file

Referenced by dirauth_options_validate().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: